How to become a Shortwave listener (SWL) with Fedora Linux and Software Defined Radio
(too old to reply)
2023-01-19 02:50:34 UTC
Catching signals from others is how we have started communicating as
human beings. It all started, of course, with our vocal cords. Then we
moved toÿsmoke signals for long-distance communication. At some point,
we discovered radio waves and are still using them for contact. This
article will describe how you can tune in using Fedora Linux and an SDR

My journey

I got interested in radio communication as a hobby when I was a kid,
while my local club, LZ2KRS, was still a thing. I was so excited to be
able to listen and communicate with people worldwide. It opened a whole
new world for me. I was living in a communist country back then and
this was a way to escape just for a bit. It also taught me about ethics
and technology.

Year after year my hobby grew and now, in the Internet era with all the
cool devices you can use, it';s getting even more exciting. So I want
to show you how to do it with Fedora Linux and a hardware dongle.

What is Ham Radio

Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings
people, electronics, and communication together. People use ham radio
to talk across town, worldwide, or even into space, without the
Internet or cell phones.

What's SWLing?

To broadcast with your ham radio or SDR system, you need to obtain a
license from a governmental body. But to intercept signals and listen
to the open communication between two amateur radio stations, you don't
need one.

The term SWLing comes from the abbreviation of Short Wave Listener,
where you listen to stations communicating in the shortwave bands
between 3 and 30 MHz. This can be used for long-distance communication
using the ionosphere, a layer of the Earth's atmosphere.

To get started, you don';t need a license. Still, I recommend getting
yourself an SWL sign to identify yourself in a listening contest. These
are competitions for categories like who will discover the most
connections in a month or who can listen to contacts from each country
in the world.ÿ

How to get an SWL Sign?

There are two options:

Contact your national radio club and ask them to issue one for you. I
got my Czech one, OK1-36568, after a few weeks.Join theÿShort Wave
Amateur Radio Listeningÿcommunity and request a sign there.

You will get more information and help from either of these locations
if you get stuck in some fashion!ÿ

QSL Cards

You can also use your sign to send QSL cards via post or
electronically. This is a great way to communicate with people
worldwide and make friends.

Per Wikipedia,ÿAÿQSL cardÿis a written confirmation of either a two-way
radio communication between two amateur radio or citizens band
stations; a one-way reception of a signal from an AM radio, FM radio,
television, or shortwave broadcasting station; or the reception of a
two-way radio communication by a third party listener (in our case).

A typical QSL card is the same size and made from the same material as
a regular postcard; most are sent through snail mail.

Replace the radio receiver with your Fedora Linux.

The focal point of the ham radio hobby is the radio
transmitter/receiver. Most of the time, enthusiasts build their radio
from scratch, but this differs from what I will write about here.


A software-defined radio (SDR) system is a radio communication system
that uses software for the modulation and demodulation of radio
signals. In other words, a piece of hardware and software takes the
place of a radio transmitter/receiver. This helps you discover more in
a way that you are familiar with - a User Interface with built-in
functions instead of the limited interface of a radio receiver.

My explanation oversimplifies things, so if you want to go deep and
read more about SDR, here is an excellent start.

SDR Set Up under Fedora Linux

Choosing the proper hardware

If you search the Internet for an SDR dongle, you'll find tons of ideas
depending on your budget. In this tutorial, I'll work with the one I
have, which works well under Fedora 37 - it is available from Nooelec.

A note: The dongle covers frequencies from 25MHz to 1750MHz, which
doesn't cover the Short Wave bands. You would need an additional device
to listen to them. This is included in the package I linked above. Some
other hardware providers offer all-in-one products.

Check if the dongle is visible

Before installing anything, detect whether Fedora Linux recognizes
your USB dongle. I hope you didn't buy a fake one :-). Use the
following command to list the USB devices on your system.


One of the output lines (in the case of Nooelec) should be

Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2838 DVB-T

Now proceed by installing the software you need

Fedora offers a set of tools and drivers packaged as a group. Even
though you would not use all the components in this package from the
beginning, I recommend installing it. You'll have more software to play

sudo dnf group install 'Electronic Lab'

I advise you to explore what's in the group by running this command:

sudo dnf group info 'Electronic Lab'

Now check if you have everything set up correctly by running:


You should see something like this:

Do not forget to kill this process because the device will be busy and
cannot be used in the next step. A simple Ctrl + c works.


You have the dongle already in your device's USB port and all the
software you need to get started.

ÿNow it's time to intercept your first signal. Start the program called
Gqrx. Don't be alarmed by the strange interface. You'll get used to it.

Configure the I/O Device Screen

From the "Device" Dropdown, select the 'RealtekRTL2838...'

Leave the rest untouched for the moment.

If you don't see your device there, click the "Device Scan" button at
the bottom of the screen.

When your device is selected, click "OK" and the dialogue will close.

Configure the frequency screen

Before you start intercepting signals, ensure there is something out
there that proves that everything works correctly. Since the dongle
covers the FM radio band as well, do this:

Locate your favorite radio station's frequency. Mine is 105MHZ

Set it in the Frequency field

Select WFM (stereo) in the "Mode" dropdown. If you don't do this, you
will not hear a sound.


And now, you need to start the reception by clicking the "play button"
in your main menu. You will see the frequency visualized like this:

If you hear a sound, everything is ready to move to the next step.

If you don';t hear anything, check if everything is set up correctly.
You may ask a questions in the comments for this article; I can direct
you to the proper forum to solve this.

Feel free to play with some more FM broadcasts. You have the antenna
for it in your pack.

Let's go Short Wave

In the case of the Nooelec, you need to add one more device to the USB
dongle and turn it on. Instructions on how to do that are included in
the package you receive.

In short, you plug the "Up Converter" into your USB dongle and make
sure the switch is in the "convert" position. Some videos are available
on how to do it if you get stuck.

You will need an antenna and a good location

Now things get trickier. If you live in an area where you don't see an
open space out your window or other buildings surround your building,
you might have trouble catching a Short Wave radio amateur signal.ÿ

Let's try this to see if it works

Try to be in the open. I usually listen from my terrace, which could be
better but works under particular conditions.

Apart from the hardware, you would need a long wire to act as your
antenna. Try the antenna that comes with the hardware initially - the
telescoping one from Nooelec, but it will catch only powerful signals.

Let';s go back to Gqrx
Now with the converter, you need to make some changes to your device

Please note the -125Mhz for the LNB LO field. This is required for the
Up Converter to work.

Tune your frequency to 14.100 Mhz and make sure your Mode is USB
(standing for Upper sideband) because this is this band's main
demodulation option.

Then go to your FFT Settings screen, use the zoom slider, and set it to
see about 100 kHz. In our case, you should have between 14.05 to 14.15
Mhz on your screen.

Also, click the "Enable Band Plan" to see the information about the SW
bands you are exploring.

Then hit the play button and start exploring the space between 14.0 and
14.3 Mhz to get any amateur radio transmission.

When intercepting a transmission, adjust your settings to improve your
listening experience. It's a journey that you have already started.

Most probably, you will hear something like this:

"CQ CQ CQ this is ..(followed by the radio license number spelled with
the ham radio phonetic alphabet).

Listen very carefully, and by the call sign, you will be able to
determine the location of the radio amateurs country.

You can visit the QRZCQ websiteÿto learn more about them and even send
them a QSL card confirming their connection.

Keep the momentum going.

Now you have some tools and ideas for starting Short Wave Listening.

This is the first step of an incredible and exciting journey you can
have together with your Fedora Linux OS.

You will discover the pleasure of building your antenna for the
specific band, reading more about how the ionosphere helps, how to be a
part of a listening competition, and what those Q-codes mean.


--- You can't judge a book by its movie.
2023-01-23 19:31:44 UTC
Post by Internetado
Catching signals from others is how we have started communicating as
human beings. It all started, of course, with our vocal cords. Then we
moved toÿsmoke signals for long-distance communication. At some point,
we discovered radio waves and are still using them for contact. This
article will describe how you can tune in using Fedora Linux and an SDR
My journey
I got interested in radio communication as a hobby when I was a kid,
while my local club, LZ2KRS, was still a thing. I was so excited to be
able to listen and communicate with people worldwide. It opened a whole
new world for me. I was living in a communist country back then and
this was a way to escape just for a bit. It also taught me about ethics
and technology.
Year after year my hobby grew and now, in the Internet era with all the
cool devices you can use, it';s getting even more exciting. So I want
to show you how to do it with Fedora Linux and a hardware dongle.
What is Ham Radio
Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings
people, electronics, and communication together. People use ham radio
to talk across town, worldwide, or even into space, without the
Internet or cell phones.
What's SWLing?
To broadcast with your ham radio or SDR system, you need to obtain a
license from a governmental body. But to intercept signals and listen
to the open communication between two amateur radio stations, you don't
need one.
The term SWLing comes from the abbreviation of Short Wave Listener,
where you listen to stations communicating in the shortwave bands
between 3 and 30 MHz. This can be used for long-distance communication
using the ionosphere, a layer of the Earth's atmosphere.
To get started, you don';t need a license. Still, I recommend getting
yourself an SWL sign to identify yourself in a listening contest. These
are competitions for categories like who will discover the most
connections in a month or who can listen to contacts from each country
in the world.ÿ
How to get an SWL Sign?
Contact your national radio club and ask them to issue one for you. I
got my Czech one, OK1-36568, after a few weeks.Join theÿShort Wave
Amateur Radio Listeningÿcommunity and request a sign there.
You will get more information and help from either of these locations
if you get stuck in some fashion!ÿ
QSL Cards
You can also use your sign to send QSL cards via post or
electronically. This is a great way to communicate with people
worldwide and make friends.
Per Wikipedia,ÿAÿQSL cardÿis a written confirmation of either a
two-way radio communication between two amateur radio or citizens band
stations; a one-way reception of a signal from an AM radio, FM radio,
television, or shortwave broadcasting station; or the reception of a
two-way radio communication by a third party listener (in our case).
A typical QSL card is the same size and made from the same material as
a regular postcard; most are sent through snail mail.
Replace the radio receiver with your Fedora Linux.
The focal point of the ham radio hobby is the radio
transmitter/receiver. Most of the time, enthusiasts build their radio
from scratch, but this differs from what I will write about here.
A software-defined radio (SDR) system is a radio communication system
that uses software for the modulation and demodulation of radio
signals. In other words, a piece of hardware and software takes the
place of a radio transmitter/receiver. This helps you discover more in
a way that you are familiar with - a User Interface with built-in
functions instead of the limited interface of a radio receiver.
My explanation oversimplifies things, so if you want to go deep and
read more about SDR, here is an excellent start.
SDR Set Up under Fedora Linux
Choosing the proper hardware
If you search the Internet for an SDR dongle, you'll find tons of ideas
depending on your budget. In this tutorial, I'll work with the one I
have, which works well under Fedora 37 - it is available from Nooelec.
A note: The dongle covers frequencies from 25MHz to 1750MHz, which
doesn't cover the Short Wave bands. You would need an additional device
to listen to them. This is included in the package I linked above. Some
other hardware providers offer all-in-one products.
Check if the dongle is visible
Before installing anything, detect whether Fedora Linux recognizes
your USB dongle. I hope you didn't buy a fake one :-). Use the
following command to list the USB devices on your system.
One of the output lines (in the case of Nooelec) should be
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2838 DVB-T
Now proceed by installing the software you need
Fedora offers a set of tools and drivers packaged as a group. Even
though you would not use all the components in this package from the
beginning, I recommend installing it. You'll have more software to play
sudo dnf group install 'Electronic Lab'
sudo dnf group info 'Electronic Lab'
Do not forget to kill this process because the device will be busy and
cannot be used in the next step. A simple Ctrl + c works.
You have the dongle already in your device's USB port and all the
software you need to get started.
ÿNow it's time to intercept your first signal. Start the program called
Gqrx. Don't be alarmed by the strange interface. You'll get used to it.
Configure the I/O Device Screen
From the "Device" Dropdown, select the 'RealtekRTL2838...'
Leave the rest untouched for the moment.
If you don't see your device there, click the "Device Scan" button at
the bottom of the screen.
When your device is selected, click "OK" and the dialogue will close.
Configure the frequency screen
Before you start intercepting signals, ensure there is something out
there that proves that everything works correctly. Since the dongle
Locate your favorite radio station's frequency. Mine is 105MHZ
Set it in the Frequency field
Select WFM (stereo) in the "Mode" dropdown. If you don't do this, you
will not hear a sound.
And now, you need to start the reception by clicking the "play button"
If you hear a sound, everything is ready to move to the next step.
If you don';t hear anything, check if everything is set up correctly.
You may ask a questions in the comments for this article; I can direct
you to the proper forum to solve this.
Feel free to play with some more FM broadcasts. You have the antenna
for it in your pack.
Let's go Short Wave
In the case of the Nooelec, you need to add one more device to the USB
dongle and turn it on. Instructions on how to do that are included in
the package you receive.
In short, you plug the "Up Converter" into your USB dongle and make
sure the switch is in the "convert" position. Some videos are available
on how to do it if you get stuck.
You will need an antenna and a good location
Now things get trickier. If you live in an area where you don't see an
open space out your window or other buildings surround your building,
you might have trouble catching a Short Wave radio amateur signal.ÿ
Let's try this to see if it works
Try to be in the open. I usually listen from my terrace, which could be
better but works under particular conditions.
Apart from the hardware, you would need a long wire to act as your
antenna. Try the antenna that comes with the hardware initially - the
telescoping one from Nooelec, but it will catch only powerful signals.
Let';s go back to Gqrx
Now with the converter, you need to make some changes to your device
Please note the -125Mhz for the LNB LO field. This is required for the
Up Converter to work.
Tune your frequency to 14.100 Mhz and make sure your Mode is USB
(standing for Upper sideband) because this is this band's main
demodulation option.
Then go to your FFT Settings screen, use the zoom slider, and set it to
see about 100 kHz. In our case, you should have between 14.05 to 14.15
Mhz on your screen.
Also, click the "Enable Band Plan" to see the information about the SW
bands you are exploring.
Then hit the play button and start exploring the space between 14.0 and
14.3 Mhz to get any amateur radio transmission.
When intercepting a transmission, adjust your settings to improve your
listening experience. It's a journey that you have already started.
"CQ CQ CQ this is ..(followed by the radio license number spelled with
the ham radio phonetic alphabet).
Listen very carefully, and by the call sign, you will be able to
determine the location of the radio amateurs country.
You can visit the QRZCQ websiteÿto learn more about them and even send
them a QSL card confirming their connection.
Keep the momentum going.
Now you have some tools and ideas for starting Short Wave Listening.
This is the first step of an incredible and exciting journey you can
have together with your Fedora Linux OS.
You will discover the pleasure of building your antenna for the
specific band, reading more about how the ionosphere helps, how to be a
part of a listening competition, and what those Q-codes mean.
Why not just buy a shortwave radio?
Julian Macassey
2023-01-27 12:49:15 UTC
On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 19:31:44 GMT, Bottom posting clown
254 un needed lines deleted
Post by MAGA
Post by Internetado
Why not just buy a shortwave radio?
Why not learn how to edit your posts?

Note: an SDR dongle is usually much cheaper than a shortwave radio.
2023-01-27 22:36:05 UTC
Post by Julian Macassey
On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 19:31:44 GMT, Bottom posting clown
Post by MAGA
Post by Internetado
Catching signals from others is how we have started communicating as
human beings. It all started, of course, with our vocal cords. Then we
moved toÿsmoke signals for long-distance communication. At some point,
we discovered radio waves and are still using them for contact. This
article will describe how you can tune in using Fedora Linux and an SDR
My journey
I got interested in radio communication as a hobby when I was a kid,
while my local club, LZ2KRS, was still a thing. I was so excited to be
able to listen and communicate with people worldwide. It opened a whole
new world for me. I was living in a communist country back then and
this was a way to escape just for a bit. It also taught me about ethics
and technology.
Year after year my hobby grew and now, in the Internet era with all the
cool devices you can use, it';s getting even more exciting. So I want
to show you how to do it with Fedora Linux and a hardware dongle.
What is Ham Radio
Amateur Radio (ham radio) is a popular hobby and service that brings
people, electronics, and communication together. People use ham radio
to talk across town, worldwide, or even into space, without the
Internet or cell phones.
What's SWLing?
To broadcast with your ham radio or SDR system, you need to obtain a
license from a governmental body. But to intercept signals and listen
to the open communication between two amateur radio stations, you don't
need one.
The term SWLing comes from the abbreviation of Short Wave Listener,
where you listen to stations communicating in the shortwave bands
between 3 and 30 MHz. This can be used for long-distance communication
using the ionosphere, a layer of the Earth's atmosphere.
To get started, you don';t need a license. Still, I recommend getting
yourself an SWL sign to identify yourself in a listening contest. These
are competitions for categories like who will discover the most
connections in a month or who can listen to contacts from each country
in the world.ÿ
How to get an SWL Sign?
Contact your national radio club and ask them to issue one for you. I
got my Czech one, OK1-36568, after a few weeks.Join theÿShort Wave
Amateur Radio Listeningÿcommunity and request a sign there.
You will get more information and help from either of these locations
if you get stuck in some fashion!ÿ
QSL Cards
You can also use your sign to send QSL cards via post or
electronically. This is a great way to communicate with people
worldwide and make friends.
Per Wikipedia,ÿAÿQSL cardÿis a written confirmation of either a
two-way radio communication between two amateur radio or citizens band
stations; a one-way reception of a signal from an AM radio, FM radio,
television, or shortwave broadcasting station; or the reception of a
two-way radio communication by a third party listener (in our case).
A typical QSL card is the same size and made from the same material as
a regular postcard; most are sent through snail mail.
Replace the radio receiver with your Fedora Linux.
The focal point of the ham radio hobby is the radio
transmitter/receiver. Most of the time, enthusiasts build their radio
from scratch, but this differs from what I will write about here.
A software-defined radio (SDR) system is a radio communication system
that uses software for the modulation and demodulation of radio
signals. In other words, a piece of hardware and software takes the
place of a radio transmitter/receiver. This helps you discover more in
a way that you are familiar with - a User Interface with built-in
functions instead of the limited interface of a radio receiver.
My explanation oversimplifies things, so if you want to go deep and
read more about SDR, here is an excellent start.
SDR Set Up under Fedora Linux
Choosing the proper hardware
If you search the Internet for an SDR dongle, you'll find tons of ideas
depending on your budget. In this tutorial, I'll work with the one I
have, which works well under Fedora 37 - it is available from Nooelec.
A note: The dongle covers frequencies from 25MHz to 1750MHz, which
doesn't cover the Short Wave bands. You would need an additional device
to listen to them. This is included in the package I linked above. Some
other hardware providers offer all-in-one products.
Check if the dongle is visible
Before installing anything, detect whether Fedora Linux recognizes
your USB dongle. I hope you didn't buy a fake one :-). Use the
following command to list the USB devices on your system.
One of the output lines (in the case of Nooelec) should be
Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2838 DVB-T
Now proceed by installing the software you need
Fedora offers a set of tools and drivers packaged as a group. Even
though you would not use all the components in this package from the
beginning, I recommend installing it. You'll have more software to play
sudo dnf group install 'Electronic Lab'
sudo dnf group info 'Electronic Lab'
Do not forget to kill this process because the device will be busy and
cannot be used in the next step. A simple Ctrl + c works.
You have the dongle already in your device's USB port and all the
software you need to get started.
ÿNow it's time to intercept your first signal. Start the program called
Gqrx. Don't be alarmed by the strange interface. You'll get used to it.
Configure the I/O Device Screen
From the "Device" Dropdown, select the 'RealtekRTL2838...'
Leave the rest untouched for the moment.
If you don't see your device there, click the "Device Scan" button at
the bottom of the screen.
When your device is selected, click "OK" and the dialogue will close.
Configure the frequency screen
Before you start intercepting signals, ensure there is something out
there that proves that everything works correctly. Since the dongle
Locate your favorite radio station's frequency. Mine is 105MHZ
Set it in the Frequency field
Select WFM (stereo) in the "Mode" dropdown. If you don't do this, you
will not hear a sound.
And now, you need to start the reception by clicking the "play button"
If you hear a sound, everything is ready to move to the next step.
If you don';t hear anything, check if everything is set up correctly.
You may ask a questions in the comments for this article; I can direct
you to the proper forum to solve this.
Feel free to play with some more FM broadcasts. You have the antenna
for it in your pack.
Let's go Short Wave
In the case of the Nooelec, you need to add one more device to the USB
dongle and turn it on. Instructions on how to do that are included in
the package you receive.
In short, you plug the "Up Converter" into your USB dongle and make
sure the switch is in the "convert" position. Some videos are available
on how to do it if you get stuck.
You will need an antenna and a good location
Now things get trickier. If you live in an area where you don't see an
open space out your window or other buildings surround your building,
you might have trouble catching a Short Wave radio amateur signal.ÿ
Let's try this to see if it works
Try to be in the open. I usually listen from my terrace, which could be
better but works under particular conditions.
Apart from the hardware, you would need a long wire to act as your
antenna. Try the antenna that comes with the hardware initially - the
telescoping one from Nooelec, but it will catch only powerful signals.
Let';s go back to Gqrx
Now with the converter, you need to make some changes to your device
Please note the -125Mhz for the LNB LO field. This is required for the
Up Converter to work.
Tune your frequency to 14.100 Mhz and make sure your Mode is USB
(standing for Upper sideband) because this is this band's main
demodulation option.
Then go to your FFT Settings screen, use the zoom slider, and set it to
see about 100 kHz. In our case, you should have between 14.05 to 14.15
Mhz on your screen.
Also, click the "Enable Band Plan" to see the information about the SW
bands you are exploring.
Then hit the play button and start exploring the space between 14.0 and
14.3 Mhz to get any amateur radio transmission.
When intercepting a transmission, adjust your settings to improve your
listening experience. It's a journey that you have already started.
"CQ CQ CQ this is ..(followed by the radio license number spelled with
the ham radio phonetic alphabet).
Listen very carefully, and by the call sign, you will be able to
determine the location of the radio amateurs country.
You can visit the QRZCQ websiteÿto learn more about them and even send
them a QSL card confirming their connection.
Keep the momentum going.
Now you have some tools and ideas for starting Short Wave Listening.
This is the first step of an incredible and exciting journey you can
have together with your Fedora Linux OS.
You will discover the pleasure of building your antenna for the
specific band, reading more about how the ionosphere helps, how to be a
part of a listening competition, and what those Q-codes mean.
Post by Julian Macassey
Post by MAGA
Post by Internetado
Why not just buy a shortwave radio?
Why not learn how to edit your posts?
Note: an SDR dongle is usually much cheaper than a shortwave radio.
So, you're another one of those whiney cheap-ass SWL's. We don't get
too many cheap-ass retards like you stopping in here.

Nice to meet you Julian.
Julian Macassey
2023-02-13 13:06:38 UTC
There's a clue here Mr. Make America Gay Again who doesn't
have the balls to post is e-mail addr.
Post by MAGA
Post by Julian Macassey
On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 19:31:44 GMT, Bottom posting clown
Why not learn how to edit your posts?
Note: an SDR dongle is usually much cheaper than a shortwave radio.
296 redundant lines deleted.
Post by MAGA
So, you're another one of those whiney cheap-ass SWL's. We don't get
too many cheap-ass retards like you stopping in here.
I am not so retarded that I can't read a post and can't edit
properly on usenet.
Post by MAGA
Nice to meet you Julian.
One day, you might meet me.
"If there is no justice for the people. Let there be no peace for
the government" -Emiliano Zapata