Post by RHF- - What is the Best Direction to 'Point' a Sloper Antenna for DX ?
Post by RHFGiven an area where you could locate a Sloper Antenna
with a Tall Mounting Pole "Top-End-Feed-Point' and the
ability to move the Bottom-Far-End around the full circle
of 360 Degrees.
- - Where would you place 'Point' the Bottom-Far-End
- - for the best DXing ? [ N ? E ? W ? S ? ] & WHY ?
Post by RHFGiven that it is claimed that in general the Sloper produces
it's best reception in the direction of the Bottom-Far-End.
Coax Cable to the Feed-Point and Top-End-Feed-Point.
Thinking of Rigging a Par Electronics EF-SWL Antenna
as a Sloper or buying one of these Pre-Make Slopers.
Alpha Delta DX-SWL Sloper Antenna
Eavesdropper Sloper Antenna
i want to know ~ RHF
- If you've got the room to select a direction, why not have a series
of stakes at
- different points of azimuth and maybe a carabiner fastening setup so
the thing
- could be quickly changed depending on your preferred direction at
the time?
- --
- Operator Bob
- Echo Charlie 42
Given that I am on the West Coast of the USA
Northern California Sierra Foothills.
1 - Receive Trans Pacific Shortwave strongly from
New Zealand & Australia & Singapore & China &
Japan & Russian Far-East
2 - Receive Shortwave from the East Coast of the
USA very good.
3 - Receive Shortwave from South {Latin} America good.
4 - Do NOT receive Shortwave from Europe well.
5 - Do NOT receive Shortwave from Middle-East
Region well at all.
6 - Do NOT receive Shortwave from Africa well.
7 - Do NOT receive Shortwave from India etc well.
What Diriection would you 'Point' the Bottom-End of
a Sloper Antenna for the best DXing from : Europe ?
Middle-East ? Africa ? and India ?
? N ? E ? W ? S ? and WHY ?
in search of the one-best answer . . . ~ RHF
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- Though I have not been living on the West coast,
- nevertheless one cannot expect strong signals
- from certain areas over there . In dealing with
- such unstable propagation as we had in the last
- few years a single antenna may not be sufficient
- and re-orienting it may not be enough.
- Over here,in NYC I tried using a commercially made
- sloper antenna in the early 90's and didn't see it
- performing substantially better than a simple
- random length wire. That applies only to my
- location,that is. . .
- The best antenna I EVER had was a home-made
- T2FD. Much quieter,had some gain and it was
- absolutely omnidirectional as far as I know.
T2FD : Terminated Tilted Folded Dipole Shortwave Antenna
- It used a 9:1 balun transformer from Palomar
- (sadly they stopped making it).
-fyi- The Palomar Engineers "MLB-1" Magnetic
Longwire Balun for Shortwave {Radio} Listening
Antennas is still being made. ~$50US
- Reception was outstanding,considering the RFI
- and other man-made noise omnipresent over here.
Several years ago I bought a used Wellbrook [UK]
Universal Magnetic Balun UMB T2FD and never
got around to using it. IIRC it is somewhere down
in sub-basement # 3 -but- like I bought it and
stuck it on a shelf and don't think that I have seen
it in years. Heck I have not been down to check
out sub-basement # 3 in years . . . hope that the
sump pumps are still working . . . got to add that
to my To-Do List on the next trip to Alameda, CA.
I already have two SWL Antennas up here in
Twain Harte, CA -but- neither seems bring in
Europe; the Middle-East; Africa and India.
* Inverted "L" Antenna with a Ground Rod
mounted WinRadio WR-LWA-0130 Long
Wire Adapter Matching Transformer; and
Coax Cable feed-in-line.
Antenna Element : 26 Foot Vertical-Up-Leg
-by- 103 Foot Horizontal-Out-Arm with the
Far-End pointed at 275 Degrees.
* Horizontal Antenna 100 Foot make-up of a
5-Wire Rotar Cable with each Wire "cut-to'
a Shortwave Radio Band :
1 @ 98 Feet ~ 120m SW Band
2 @ 71 Feet ~ 90m SW Band
3 @ 59 Feet ~ 75m SW Band
4 @ 48 Feet ~ 60m SW Band
5 @ 39 Feet ~ 49m SW Band
using an RF Systems MLB with Far-End
pointed at 30 Degrees and Ground into a
RG6/UQ Feed-in-Line
The Sloper Antenna would be SWL Antenna # 3
and pointed in the one best direction to consistantly
and reliably Receive [DX] : Europe; the Middle-East;
Africa and India. -if- that is possible . . .
? N ? E ? W ? S ? and WHY ?
pal ~ RHF